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Mukbil Chicken (Yucatán)

Foto del escritor: Assivadam PereaAssivadam Perea

Actualizado: 28 mar 2023

Mukbil Pollo, also known as Pib or Puerco Pibil or Tamal, is a traditional Mayan dish that has gained popularity in Mexico and other countries. It is a flavorful and aromatic dish made with marinated pork wrapped in banana leaves and then baked or steamed. The dish has a rich history and is an important part of Mayan culture, particularly in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico.

The preparation of Mukbil Pollo is a labor-intensive process that requires patience and attention to detail. The first step is to marinate the pork in a mixture of spices, herbs, and sour orange juice. The marinade is left to soak into the meat for several hours, allowing the flavors to penetrate deep into the pork. Next, the banana leaves are washed and cut into the appropriate size for wrapping the pork. The meat is then wrapped in the banana leaves, forming a package that is then baked or steamed for several hours until the meat is tender and succulent.

The result is a dish that is bursting with flavor and complexity. The banana leaves impart a subtle earthy flavor to the pork, while the marinade adds a zesty and tangy flavor. The slow-cooking process ensures that the meat is tender and moist, with a texture that melts in your mouth.

Mukbil Pollo is typically served with a variety of accompaniments, such as pickled onions, habanero salsa, and tortillas. The dish is often enjoyed during special occasions and celebrations, such as Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) in Yucatán, Mexico, or known as Hanal Pixan where it is served as an offering to the deceased.

The history of Mukbil Pollo can be traced back to ancient Mayan culture. The dish was originally prepared as an offering to the gods, and it was believed that the aroma of the cooking meat would attract the spirits of the deceased.


– Corn dough

– A bit of corn flour

– Lard

– Chicken

– Pork

– Xpelón (black beans cooked)

– Achiote paste (to taste)

– Salt (to taste)

– Red tomatoes

– A large onion

– Epazote

– Habanero peppers (to taste)

– Banana leaves (previously washed and rinsed)


Start cooking the pork and chicken meat using a roasting pan (pork first), then add the chicken to the roasting pan and more water if needed for 30 minutes. Once everything is cooked, reserve the meat and chicken and separate the broth.

Now pour the broth in a skillet (we will need about four cups. Dissolve the achiote in the broth and add a bit of salt, add some corn flour to the broth to make a thick sauce; this sauce will be the Mayan Kol where the meat and chicken will finish cooking.

Mix the corn dough with the lard, add salt, the beans and use the achiote paste to give the dough that special color.

To make the corn dough base, cover the bottom of a roasting pan with the banana leaves, put masa (dough) on the leaves, giving it the shape of the pan. Save some masa for the end, in order to form the cover of the dish.

Put the meat on the masa then pour the kol sauce all over it. Finally add slices of onion, tomato, chiles and epazote leaves.

Finally, put the lid of masa (dough) on top, wrap the whole with the banana leaves. Preheat the oven at 300 ˚F and bake for about an hour and a half.

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